Tuesday, May 20, 2008

All-In-One Washer AND Dryer -- The End to Sour Wash Loads?

There are many great things about living in Hawaii, and I would not live anywhere else in the world. However, living in a tropical environment means you will at one time or another forget to put your wet laundry into the dryer in a timely manner, resulting in the dreaded sour wash load. You all know what I am talking about -- you get home from work, open the washing machine to throw your towels into the dryer, and you are hit with a foul stench and the sinking realization that you need to wash the towels all over again. Some of us just don't have the time or the luxury to compete with the humidity -- until now.

Asko's combination washer dryer is a front loading, all-in-one machine with a stainless steel interior. It's also a great space saver, as you can use the area once occupied by a separate dryer for storage, and it features a super-efficient condenser (non-vented dryer), meaning it's easier to relocate or install in condo buildings without exterior dryer ventilation. And just because it is a compact appliance doesn't mean it skimps on features -- pre-wash, extra rinse, 3 different spins speeds, and multiple wash programs are just a few of the features included. Available from Susan Palmer Designs.

Learn more about the combo washer and dryer at askousa.com

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those are great for people who have pools or want a second dryer